Embracing Email Blunders & Serving Up Sweet 🎃 Apologies

Four years ago, I attended a conference where Amy Porterfield was speaking LIVE on stage. She was explaining the importance of having an email list. Someone in the audience asked the question, "How many subscribers do you need on your list before you can start sending newsletters?" Her answer was, "Only one! Start sending communication out when your list is small so that if you mess up, you only did it with an audience of, say, 20 verses 2000." It's funny how that has always stuck in my mind. Because last week, the email that I sent out to you all, my "over 2000" subscribers...yeah, I kind of edited it in mobile mode. Which, if you view your emails via mobile, it wasn't too terrible. But if you (aka: are like me) and are a desktop viewer, I am sorry for the puzzle 🧩ī¸ that you got from me.

I know they say you learn as you go, and we are all a work in progress. So please accept this Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice - 10 Healthy Dessert Recipes đŸŽƒ guide as my way of saying, "Ooopps, thanks for understanding!"


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